About the artist

The seeds of creativity have always been nestled deep inside me, but it wasn’t until a few fortuitous things happened at the perfect moment (a timely and unexpected gift of some paint & canvas, and the discovery of an unassuming yet transformative book) that they finally sprouted. Over the past 15 years since, I’ve developed and nurtured a beautifully fulfilling art practice… a self-guided journey of growth in a range of aqua and dry media.

I’m a wife & mommy, a Montreal-born Calgarian with Italian family roots running deep across generations. I’m an avid appreciator of how the world of neuroaesthetics completely changes, enhances and enriches our lives. I have an unfettered passion for eclectic interior decorating, a love of designing unique and delectable craft cocktails … and an unsavoury fondness of hot sauce & elephant jokes.